Happy REbirthday to Me....
The Transition |
On the 29th of March, 2010 I hit the reset button on my life. That afternoon I went from being a healthy, never been in hospital, never even broken a bone, highly strung business creative to an "I don't give a #$%^&, I just want to live" cancer survivor. Sure, that kind of realisation doesn't quite happen over night, but getting told you have a highly aggressive cancer by your doctor, who himself is tearing up just sharing the news, can be quite the eye opener.
While everyone says "life is short", it's a very harsh realisation when you find out how true that statement actually is. And once you do come to that realisation, your whole personality and perspective of what's important changes.
Live, Love, Life |
Anyway, before I get too deep, this is what I consider to be the re-birth. While I would not wish a cancer diagnosis on my worst enemy, it was the catalist that turned me into a totally different person. I am no longer highly strung, stressed, and worried about everyone else, I am now cool, calm, and more interested in seeing what the world has to offer.
So happy 8th birthday to me.
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