Preparing for the Post Quarantine Comeback

The last couple of months has shaken many businesses, but it’s imperative that we don’t give up, and continue to look for opportunities. Every change brings with it the chance to come back stronger, smarter and better than before.

Here’s a few tips for you to consider when preparing to return to the marketplace post COVID.

  1. Reconnect with your clients. Email, Social Media, Radio, Digital, Newspaper, mail drops, and even in store. You are better off over communicating what’s changed and how you’re adjusting to serve them better, than not communicating at all. People have been in ISO for so long that they are craving connections, so give it to them.
  2. Reaffirm your position in the marketplace. You need to communicate that you are ready for clients without sounding desperate.
  3. Remind people you are open. Remind them early, and remind them often. There will be a lot of competition for the local spend, and as consumer confidence grows, you want to be in the forefront of their mind.
  4. Confidence is key. Even if you feel nervous and worried on the inside, smile and show a strong and confident front to your clients. If they feel you are on shaky ground, they’re less likely to trust you with their business.
  5. Reward your clients with exceptional customer service. This is the time to get back to basics. Show each client appreciation for their business. Say thank you and follow up later to see how the product or service is working out.
  6. Rediscover your passion. Remember why you started to do what you do. When times are tough, live for your passion. Your employees and your customers will see this and respond positively.
  7. Re-evaluate your business model. Don’t just go back to “business as usual”. Review which previous ways of doing business it makes sense to leave behind and be selective about what parts of your business you are bringing forward into this new season. Be open to re-inventing yourself.
  8. Re-energise your employees. Show appreciation, listen to their ideas and inspire them to stay focused. Also be compassionate but motivating, remembering that the last couple of months have been hard on them too, and many of them are also dealing with stresses outside the business.
  9. Refresh your message. Take a long hard look at your brand. Many businesses never get this opportunity. Transform, upgrade or simply change your direction. What have you learned, have you had to re-prioritise? Maybe returning to the old ways just won’t be enough anymore. Be open to the new possibilities that are presenting themselves.
  10. Redefine your goals. You may find that what you wanted before COVD no longer applies, or simply timelines have to be adjusted. Start from now, and adjust your goals to fit your new target. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, accountable, realistic, and time bound.

Keep smiling, you’ll be back on track in no time.



Note: Not everything you read on the internet is accurate. While I make every effort to check my facts and stats, this article is base on my opinions from over 30 years in the printing, marketing and advertising industry.

Graphic Artist & Designer
AndyK Design  

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