Power Up your Marketing with Humour

All the big companies have played marketing jokes on April Fools day. Burger King announced the Left Handed Whopper, Richard Branson said he was buying Pluto to reinstate it as a planet, there was even a bacon flavoured mouthwash suggested. But is there a place for humour in the rest of your marketing? If you’re looking to engage your customers in an impactful way, and you only have a small budget, using a well-times joke might make all the difference.

According to a recent Nielsen study, 80% of the public are more likely to remember adverts that make them laugh, regardless whether they’re B2C or B2B business. As long as you know exactly what type of humour strategy you’re using and who your audience is, then why not entertain your customers instead of continually using the hard sell?

Why use humour works in marketing?

So can you use humour in your industry? What are the benefits of using humour in your advertising?

  • The first most obvious reason is it grabs the attention of your audience, while your competitors are all sending exactly the same message in exactly the same way.
  • It lowers the default “skeptic” mode that all audiences have in relation to advertisements. If your audience finds themselves laughing with you, they’ll be more open to hearing your marketing message.
  • And when your audience is laughing with you, they feel  more connected and your brand will appear more relatable.
  • And finally, humour leads to sharing. Think about it, when was the last time your saw or hear something funny and just had to tell a friend? They might be sharing the joke – but when branded well – they are also sharing your message.

Follow the rules

There are some marketing rules to using humour in your marketing, and as long as you mind them, you can pretty much get started on your next campaign.

  • Look at your demographic. Aim your humour at your audience or it will fall flat or may offend.
  • Keep it simple and don’t force it. Come up with something relevant that your audience will find legitimately funny.
  • Identify with your brand. Going too far off topic might win you laughs, but at the end of the day, it has to gain you customers.
  • Test it on a small audience first. What you find funny may not be reflected by the masses. You don’t need to get everyone laughing, but you do want there to be a majority.

The final word

So keep in mind that you don’t have to be a standup comedian to add some humour into your marketing campaign. You don’t need your audience to roll on the floor laughing, or even for your advert to go viral. If you can get them to smil and “get it”, then that’s enough. They’ll remember you.

If you can win your audience over with some simple humour, then you’re a step closer to making a genuine connection where they are more likely to explore your product or service.



Note: Not everything you read on the internet is accurate. While I make every effort to check my facts and stats, this article is base on my opinions from over 30 years in the printing, marketing and advertising industry.

Graphic Artist & Designer
AndyK Design  

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